mercoledì 11 luglio 2018

L'apostasia dilaga: eccone un altro: il sig. Nogaro, "vescovo" (si fa per dire) emerito di Caserta .....

"And so the Catholic Church continues on its path of aiding and abetting Europe’s civilizational and cultural suicide — not unwittingly, but with its eyes open. .... The Catholic Church was once one of the foremost bulwarks of defense in the jihad against Europe. But those days are long gone, to the degree that those who call attention to the fact that Europe faces a resurgence today of the same threat that it faced for centuries are ruthlessly harassed and silenced by Catholic authorities" (Steve Skojec, Italian Bishop: Ready to “Turn All the Churches Into Mosques”, in Onepeterfive, July 10, 2018).

Ciò a riprova del tradimento della neo-Chiesa di quella che è stata la Chiesa cattolica per quasi duemila anni, la Chiesa dei martiri iberici, di S. Pio V, dei santi Martiri di Otranto, dei santi crociati .... . Siamo, insomma, di fronte ad un'altra religione. 

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